
Tree Falls on I-40 Severly Injuring Morganton, North Carolina Man

Stephen Brittain of Morganton was seriously injured on Wednesday when a tree fell on I-40 and struck Mr. Brittain’s truck.  Apparently, it took more than an hour for workers to remove the tree and extricate Mr. Brittain from the truck.  He was then rushed to the hospital with serious injuries.

According to the article on this terrible accident, contractors are already pointing fingers as to who is to blame.  There was a road widening project occurring at the location of the accident but the company overseeing the project is blaming a subcontractor.  There is little doubt that one or more companies will need to be held accountable for what happened to Mr. Brittain in this terrible incident.

If you or a family member have been injured in an accident such as this, call the attorneys at Hendren & Malone for a free consultation.  Attorney J. Michael Malone has a a Bachelor’s of Science degree, a Master’s of Science degree and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and is fully versed in the complexities of roadway design and construction.  We do not charge any fee unless we recover for you and your family.

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