
USAA Total Loss Vehicle Claim in North Carolina

Was your vehicle declared a total loss in a North Carolina accident where USAA was the insurance company?

Our firm is currently investigating cases where we believe USAA may have underpaid total loss vehicle claims in North Carolina.  USAA has apparently outsourced the valuation of total loss claims to a company called CCC One.  CCC One then prepares a market valuation report which supposedly provides the value of the total loss vehicle.

We believe that the market valuation reports from CCC One may undervalue the totaled vehicle by hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of dollars.  In many cases, the consumer feels trapped and without any right to challenge the CCC One valuation.

If you had a vehicle that was declared a total loss following a North Carolina crash and you received an offer or payment from USAA that appears to undervalue your vehicle, please fell free to give us a call to discuss your situation.  Please ask to speak with attorney Mike Malone.  There is no charge for the call and we will only charge you attorneys fees if we recover for you.

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